SF ママチャリ日記






COVID-19 Testing Dashboard | SFUSD

  • コロナ陽性の学童は、学校に連絡、待機。
  • コロナ陽性の学童と、濃厚接触している場合は、それ専用の連絡がくる
    Close Contact Memo、検査することと、待機が必須
  • 濃厚接触していない場合は、「ざっくりとした」通達のみくる
    A general notification memo 
  • 検査、待機は不要。検査したい場合は、市が契約している場所へ案内(無料)


When Someone Gets Sick (コロナ対応)



Close contact

Anyone who stayed within 6 feet of someone with COVID-19 for a total of 15 minutes over the course of a day. People should be considered close contacts when the program is reasonably sure that they spent at least 15 minutes within 6 feet of the infected person during the course of a day. People are not considered close contacts simply because they were in the same group or cohort.


Quarantine is used to keep people who have been exposed to COVID-19 away from others while they may be contagious. After someone has been exposed to COVID-19, they must stay home and away from other people for a recommended period after their last exposure, until they meet the criteria to return from quarantine. Close contacts who are fully vaccinated for COVID-19 or had COVID-19 within the previous 3 months, do not have to quarantine after close contact with someone with COVID-19, as long as they are asymptomatic.


Isolation is used to keep people who are infected away from others while they are contagious. This is usually 10 days after COVID-19 symptoms appeared or after they test positive.