SF ママチャリ日記




  1. Progressive Education 
  2. Diversity & inclusion 
  3. Community 
  4. Local 



1.Progressive Education(プログレッシブ教育)については、私の中でもとてもスッときて、結論そういう学校に入れたのでよかった。対照として、私自身が受けたというか、いわゆる従来の公立教育みたいなのはTraditional Educationという。伝統的な先生が前にいて授業、みたいなのに対して、プログレッシブは生徒中心型、体験型教育、自ら問題解決型、ソーシャルスキルやグループワークを重要視したもののよう。こちらも勤務先の文化そのものだったりするので、どっちが先なんだろう~と思ってしまう。モンテソーリなんかも、Progressive Educationのひとつ。


  • Emphasis on learning by doing – hands-on projects, expeditionary learning, experiential learning
  • Integrated curriculum focused on thematic units
  • Integration of entrepreneurship into education
  • Strong emphasis on problem solving and critical thinking
  • Group work and development of social skills
  • Understanding and action as the goals of learning as opposed to rote knowledge
  • Collaborative and cooperative learning projects
  • Education for social responsibility and democracy
  • Highly personalized learning accounting for each individual's personal goals
  • Integration of community service and service learning projects into the daily curriculum
  • Selection of subject content by looking forward to ask what skills will be needed in future society
  • De-emphasis on textbooks in favor of varied learning resources
  • Emphasis on lifelong learning and social skills
  • Assessment by evaluation of child's projects and productions